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A Practical Guide to SysML: The Systems Modeling Language 3rd Edition by Sanford Friedenthal, ISBN-13: 978-0128002025

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A Practical Guide to SysML: The Systems Modeling Language 3rd Edition by Sanford Friedenthal, ISBN-13: 978-0128002025

[PDF eBook eTextbook]

  • Publisher: ‎ Morgan Kaufmann; 3rd edition (November 7, 2014)
  • Language: ‎ English
  • 630 pages
  • ISBN-10: ‎ 0128002026
  • ISBN-13: ‎ 978-0128002025

A Practical Guide to SysML, Third Edition, fully updated for SysML version 1.4, provides a comprehensive and practical guide for modeling systems with SysML. With their unique perspective as leading contributors to the language, Friedenthal, Moore, and Steiner provide a full description of the language along with a quick reference guide and practical examples to help you use SysML.

The book begins with guidance on the most commonly used features to help you get started quickly. Part 1 explains the benefits of a model-based approach, providing an overview of the language and how to apply SysML to model systems. Part 2 includes a comprehensive description of SysML that provides a detailed understanding that can serve as a foundation for modeling with SysML, and as a reference for practitioners. Part 3 includes methods for applying model-based systems engineering using SysML to specify and design systems, and how these methods can help manage complexity. Part 4 deals with topics related to transitioning MBSE practice into your organization, including integration of the system model with other engineering models, and strategies for adoption of MBSE.

Table of Contents:



1 Systems Engineering Overview

2 Model-Based Systems Engineering

3 Getting Started with SysML

4 An Automobile Example Using the SysML Basic Feature Set

II Language Description

5 SysML Language Architecture

6 Organizing the Model with Packages

7 Modeling Structure with Blocks

8 Modeling Constraints with Parametrics

9 Modeling Flow-Based Behavior with Activities

10 Modeling Message-Based Behavior with Interactions

11 Modeling Event-Based Behavior with State Machines

12 Modeling Functionality with Use Cases

13 Modeling Text-Based Requirements and their Relationship to Design

14 Modeling Cross-Cutting Relationships with Allocations

15 Customizing SysML for Specific Domains

III Modeling Examples

16 Water Distiller Example Using Functional Analysis

17 Residential Security System Example Using the Object-Oriented Systems Engineering Method

IV Transitioning to Model-Based Systems Engineering

18 Integrating SysML into a Systems Development Environment

19 Deploying SysML into an Organization


SysML Reference Guide


Sanford Friedenthal is an MBSE Consultant. He has been an advocate for model-based systems engineering and a leader of the industry team that developed SysML from its inception through its adoption by the OMG.

Alan Moore is an Architecture Modeling Specialist at The MathWorks. He has extensive experience in the development of real-time and object-oriented methodologies and their application. Alan was co-chair of the OMG’s Real-time Analysis and Design Working Group and served as the language architect during the development of SysML.

Rick Steiner is an independent consultant focusing on pragmatic application of systems engineering modeling techniques. He culminated his 29 year career at Raytheon as an Engineering Fellow, Raytheon Certified Architect and INCOSE Expert Systems Engineering Professional (ESEP).

Mr. Steiner has been an advocate, consultant, and instructor of model driven systems development for over 20 years. He has served as chief engineer, architect, or lead system modeler for several large scale electronics programs, incorporating the practical application of the OOSEM methodology and generation of Department of Defense Architecture Framework (DoDAF) artifacts from complex system models.

Mr. Steiner has been a key contributor to both the original requirements for SysML and the development of SysML specification. While his main technical contribution has been in the area of allocations, requirements, and the sample problem, Mr. Steiner has also served as co-chair of the SysML Revision Task Force (RTF). He continues to provide frequent tutorials and workshops on SysML and model driven engineering topics at INCOSE events, NDIA conferences, and other corporate engagements.

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