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Bailey and Scott’s Diagnostic Microbiology (14th Edition) – eBook PDF

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eBook Details

  • Author: Patricia Tille
  • File Size: 133 MB
  • Format: PDF
  • Length: 1136 Pages
  • Publisher: Mosby; 14th edition
  • Publication Date: December 28, 2015
  • Language: English
  • ASIN: B01N98THPU
  • ISBN-10: 0323354823, 0323433790
  • ISBN-13: 9780323354820, 9780323433792


Bailey and Scott’s Diagnostic Microbiology (14th Edition) – eBook PDF

Hone up your lab skills with the gold standard in microbiology!

Serving as both the #1 bench reference for practicing microbiologists and as a chosen text for students in clinical laboratory science programs, Bailey & Scott’s Diagnostic Microbiology, 14th Edition, (PDF) includes all the topical information and critical thinking practice you need for effective laboratory testing.

This new edition also includes hundreds of step-by-step procedures, new case studies, updated visuals, and new material on the latest trends and equipment in clinical microbiology — including automation, MALDI-TOF, automated streaking, and incubator microscopes. It’s everything you need to get quality lab results in class and in clinical practice!

  • A glossary of terms is found at the back of the ebook for quick reference.
  • Over 800 detailed, full-color illustrations help comprehension and aid in visualizing concepts.
  • Hands-on procedures include full-color photos, step-by-step instructions, and expected results.
  • NEW! Significant lab manual improvements offer an excellent learning resource at no extra cost.
  • NEW! Updated images give a more vivid look into book content and reflect the latest procedures.
  • NEW! Comprehensively reviewed and updated chapters equip you with the most current information.
  • Learning resources on the Evolve companion website improve learning with review questions and procedures.
  • Learning objectives begin each chapter, providing a measurable outcome to achieve by completing the material.
  • General and Species boxes in the organism chapters stress the important topics that will be discussed in the chapter.
  • Expanded sections on mycology, parasitology, and virology eliminate the need to purchase separate books on this material.
  • NEW! 10 extra case studies on the Evolve companion website provide more opportunities to improve critical thinking skills.
  • NEW! Coverage of automation, MALDI-TOF, automated streaking, and incubator microscopes keeps you in the know on these progressing topics.
  • Case studies give the opportunity to apply information to a variety of diagnostic scenarios, and help enhance decision-making and critical thinking skills.

NOTE: The product only includes the ebook, Bailey and Scott’s Diagnostic Microbiology, 14th Edition, in PDF. No access codes are included.


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