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Chemical Engineering Design: Chemical Engineering Volume 6 Fourth Edition, ISBN-13: 978-0750665384

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Chemical Engineering Design: Chemical Engineering Volume 6 Fourth Edition, ISBN-13: 978-0750665384

[PDF eBook eTextbook]

  • Publisher: ‎ Butterworth-Heinemann; 4th edition (August 9, 2005)
  • Language: ‎ English
  • 1.064 pages
  • ISBN-10: ‎ 0750665386
  • ISBN-13: ‎ 978-0750665384


Chemical Engineering Design is one of the best-known and widely adopted texts available for students of chemical engineering. It deals with the application of chemical engineering principles to the design of chemical processes and equipment. Revised throughout, the fourth edition has been updated to cover the latest methods and techniques in the industry including process design, costing, safety and loss prevention techniques, equipment design methods, pressure vessel design, and numerous practical examples and student exercises.

– Best-selling chemical engineering text in the classic Coulson & Richardson series, the definitive work for academics and practitioners
– Fully revised to keep pace with the latest chemical industry changes
– Supported by extensive problems and online solutions material

Comprehensive in coverage, exhaustive in detail, the book is widely used by professionals as a day-to-day reference and provides students with all the fundamentals of chemical engineering design.

Ray Sinnott‘s varied career, mainly in design and development, began with several major companies including Dupont and John Brown. The main areas covered within these appointments were: Gas Production and Distribution, Nuclear Energy, Elastomers and Textile fibres.

After his career in industry he joined the Chemical Engineering Department, University of Wales Swansea in 1970, specialising in teaching process and plant design, and other engineering practice subjects.

The first edition of Chemical Engineering Design (Coulson and Richardson’s Vol 6) was published in 1983. Subsequent editions have been published at approximately 5 year intervals.

Ray Sinnott retired from full time teaching in 1995 but has maintained close contact with the engineering profession.

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