Get Fit, Stay Well (4th Edition) – eBook PDF
Helping individuals find the path to lifelong fitness – Get Fit, Stay Well! 4th edition (PDF) gives individuals the personalized, targeted guidance they need to get started, keep motivated, and approach the next level in their own wellness and fitness. With dynamic media and content that activates learning, Get Fit, Stay Well 4e takes a personalized approach to fitness and wellness that readers can apply to their everyday life. Maintaining the highly praised hallmarks of previous editions — three-pronged labs, graphics-rich design, integrated case studies, and extensive strength training and flexibility photos and videos (not in the PDF) — the 4th Edition further engages individuals with vibrant and new programs, infographics, and activities to inspire thinking and discussion. Get Fit, Stay Well! also includes Mastering™ Health — giving readers the tools they need to adopt healthy habits today and tomorrow.
P.S we also have the Get Fit, Stay Well 4th edition instructor resources for sale. Contact for more info.
NOTE: This sale only includes the Get Fit Stay Well 4th edition PDF eBook. No online codes included.
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