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Molecular Building Blocks for Nanotechnology by G. Ali Mansoori, ISBN-13: 978-0387399379

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Molecular Building Blocks for Nanotechnology by G. Ali Mansoori, ISBN-13: 978-0387399379

[PDF eBook eTextbook]

  • Publisher: ‎ Springer; 2007th edition (April 20, 2007)
  • Language: ‎ English
  • 438 pages
  • ISBN-10: ‎ 0387399372
  • ISBN-13: ‎ 978-0387399379

This book takes a “bottom-up” approach, beginning with atoms and molecules – molecular building blocks – and assembling them to build nanostructured materials. Coverage includes Carbon Nanotubes, Nanowires, and Diamondoids. The applications presented here will enable practitioners to design and build nanometer-scale systems. These concepts have far-reaching implications: from mechanical to chemical processes, from electronic components to ultra-fine sensors, from medicine to energy, and from pharmaceuticals to agriculture and food.

This book is a result of the research and educational activities of a group of outstanding scientists worldwide who have authored the chapters of this book dealing with the behavior of nanoscale building blocks. It contains a variety of subjects covering computational, dry and wet nanotechnology. The state-of-the-art subject matters presented here provide the reader with the latest developments on ongoing nanoscience and nanotechnology research from the bottom-up approach, which starts with with atoms and molecules as molecular building blocks.

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