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Prealgebra 4th Edition by Tom Carson, ISBN-13: 978-0321756954

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Prealgebra 4th Edition by Tom Carson, ISBN-13: 978-0321756954

[PDF eBook eTextbook]


  • 720 pages
  •  Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0321756959
  • ISBN-13: 978-0321756954
  •  Publisher: Pearson; 4 edition


Addressing individual learning styles, Tom Carson presents targeted learning strategies and a complete study system to guide students to success. Carson’s Study System, presented in the “To the Student” section at the front of the text, adapts to the way each student learns, and targeted learning strategies are presented throughout the book to guide students to success. Tom speaks to students in everyday language and walks them through the concepts, explaining not only how to do the math, but also where the concepts come from and why they work.

Tom Carson’s first teaching experience was teaching guitar as an undergraduate student studying electrical engineering. That experience helped him to realize that his true gift and passion are for teaching. He earned his MAT in mathematics at the University of South Carolina. In addition to teaching at Midlands Technical College, Columbia State Community College, and Franklin Classical School, Tom has served on the faculty council and has been a board member of the South Carolina Association of Developmental Educators (SCADE). Ever the teacher, Tom teaches outside the classroom by presenting at conferences such as NADE, AMATYC, and ICTCM on topics such as Combating Innumeracy, Writing in Mathematics, and Implementing a Study System.

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