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Working Through Conflict 9th Edition Joseph P. Folger, ISBN-13: 978-0367461478

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Working Through Conflict 9th Edition by Joseph P. Folger, ISBN-13: 978-0367461478

[PDF eBook eTextbook]

  • Publisher: ‎ Routledge; 9th edition (April 8, 2021)
  • Language: ‎ English
  • 350 pages
  • ISBN-10: ‎ 0367461471
  • ISBN-13: ‎ 978-0367461478

The main objective of Working Through Conflict is to provide a summary and synthesis of social science research and theory on conflict. It offers students of conflict a review of the core concepts and theoretical frameworks that enhance an understanding of human behavior in a wide range of conflict situations. The research and theory covered in this book reflect the many social science disciplines that have contributed to the study of conflict.Although it takes an interdisciplinary view of conflict, this book emphasizes understanding conflict as a communication phenomenon. It assumes that conflict is something that people create and shape as they interact with each other. Sometimes conflict interaction is immediate and face-to-face. In other instances, it is played out in a series of moves, actions, and responses that occur over time and in different places. This book highlights the interactive nature of conflict, no matter what form it takes. This focus on communication means that readers gain an appreciation for how mutual influence occurs, how language and message choices shape conflict, and how patterns of behavior and the structure of human discourse create important dimensions of any unfolding conflict.

This fully updated ninth edition provides an introduction to conflict and conflict management that is firmly grounded in current theory, research, and practice.

Covering a range of conflict settings, including interpersonal, group, and organizational conflicts, it includes an abundance of real-life case studies that encompass a spectrum of theoretical perspectives. Its emphasis on application makes it highly accessible to students, while expanding their comprehension of conflict theory and practical skills. This new edition features a new chapter presenting key principles students can practice to become more skillful at managing conflict, a wealth of up-to-date research and case examples, suggested readings and video resources, and integrated questions for review and discussion.

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