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A Companion to the Ancient Near East (2nd Edition) – eBook PDF

Original price was: $199.50.Current price is: $11.00.

eBook details

  • Author: Daniel C. Snell
  • File Size: 4 MB
  • Format: PDF
  • Length: 528 pages
  • Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell
  • Publication Date: March 17, 2020
  • Language: English
  • ASIN: B086BPZR3W
  • ISBN-10: 1119362466
  • ISBN-13: 9781119362463, 9781119362487, 9781119362494
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A Companion to the Ancient Near East (2nd Edition) – eBook – PDF:


Daniel C. Snell

A Companion to the Ancient Near East (2nd Edition) – eBook:

The new 2nd edition of the popular survey of Near Eastern civilization from the Bronze Age to the era of Alexander the Great. A Companion to the Ancient Near East, 2nd edition, (PDF) explores the history of the region from 4400 BCE to the Macedonian conquest of the Persian Empire in 330 BCE. Original and revised essays from a team of distinguished scholars from across disciplines address subjects including the economics, architecture, politics, and heritage of ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia. Part of the Blackwell Companions to the Ancient World series, this acclaimed single-volume reference combines lively writing with engaging and relatable topics to immerse readers in this fascinating period of Near East history.

The new A Companion to the Ancient Near East, 2e has been thoroughly updated and revised to include new developments in relevant fields, particularly archaeology, and expand on themes of interest to contemporary students. Accessible,Clear, chapters offer fresh discussions on the history of the family and gender roles, the languages, literature, and religions of the region, medicine and philosophy, pastoralism, and borders, states, and warfare. New essays highlight recent discoveries in cuneiform texts, investigate how modern Egyptians came to understand their ancient history, and examine the place of archaeology among the historical disciplines. This volume:

  • Offers a uniquely broad geographical, chronological, and topical range
  • Examines the legacy of the Ancient Near East in the medieval and modern worlds
  • Provides substantial new and revised content covering topics such as social conflict, kingship, cosmology, work, trade, and law
  • Includes a comprehensive bibliographical guide to Ancient Near East studies as well as new and updated references and reading suggestions
  • Covers the civilizations of the Sumerians, Hittites, Babylonians, Assyrians, Egyptians, Israelites, and Persians, emphasizing social and cultural history

Suitable for use as both a primary reference or as a supplement to a chronologically arranged textbook, A Companion to the Ancient Near East, Second editionis a valuable resource for beginning graduate students, advanced undergraduates, instructors in the field, and scholars from other history disciplines.

NOTE: This sale only includes A Companion to the Ancient Near East, 2nd edition in PDF. No access codes included.


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