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Analytical Chemistry for Technicians 4th Edition by John Kenkel, ISBN-13: 978-1439881057

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Analytical Chemistry for Technicians 4th Edition by John Kenkel, ISBN-13: 978-1439881057

[PDF eBook eTextbook]

  • Publisher: ‎ CRC Press; 4th edition (August 13, 2013)
  • Language: ‎ English
  • 537 pages
  • ISBN-10: ‎ 1439881057
  • ISBN-13: ‎ 978-1439881057

Written as a training manual for chemistry-based laboratory technicians, this thoroughly updated fourth edition of the bestselling Analytical Chemistry for Technicians emphasizes the applied aspects rather than the theoretical ones. The book begins with classical quantitative analysis and follows with a practical approach to the complex world of sophisticated electronic instrumentation commonly used in real-world laboratories. Providing a foundation for the two key qualities―the analytical mindset and a basic understanding of the analytical instrumentation―this book helps prepare individuals for success on the job.

Chapters cover sample preparation; gravimetric analysis; titrimetric analysis; instrumental analysis; spectrochemical methods, such as atomic spectroscopy and UV-Vis and IR molecular spectrometry; chromatographic techniques, including gas chromatography and high-performance liquid chromatography; electroanalytical methods; and more. Incorporating an additional ten years of teaching experience since the publication of the third edition, the author has made significant updates and enhancements to the fourth edition.

  • More than 150 new photographs and either new or reworked drawings spanning every chapter to assist the visual learner
  • A new chapter on mass spectrometry, covering GC-MS, LC-MS, LC-MS-MS, and ICP-MS
  • Thirteen new laboratory experiments
  • An introductory section before chapter 1 to give students a preview of general laboratory considerations, safety, laboratory notebooks, and instrumental analysis
  • Additional end-of-chapter problems, expanded “report”-type questions, and inclusion of relevant section headings in the Questions and Problems sections
  • Application Notes in each chapter
  • An appendix providing a glossary of quality assurance and good laboratory practice (GLP) terms

John Kenkel is a chemistry instructor at Southeast Community College (SCC) in Lincoln, Nebraska. Throughout his 36-year career at SCC, he has been directly involved in the education of chemistry-based laboratory technicians in a vocational program. He has also been heavily involved in chemistry-based laboratory technician education on a national level, having served on a number of American Chemical Society (ACS) committees, including the Committee on Technician Activities and the Coordinating Committee for the Voluntary Industry Standards project. Mr. Kenkel has authored several popular textbooks for chemistry-based technician education.

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