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Business Analytics: Communicating with Numbers INTERNATIONAL Edition Sanjiv Jaggia, ISBN-13: 978-1260576016

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Business Analytics: Communicating with Numbers INTERNATIONAL Edition by Sanjiv Jaggia, ISBN-13: 978-1260576016

[PDF eBook eTextbook]

  • Publisher: ‎ McGraw-Hill Education; 1st edition (March 9, 2020)
  • Language: ‎ English
  •  551 pages
  • ISBN-10: ‎ 1260576019
  • ISBN-13: ‎ 978-1260576016

Business Analytics: Communicating with Numbers was written from the ground up to prepare students to understand, manage, and visualize the data, apply the appropriate tools, and communicate the findings and their relevance. Unlike other texts that simply repackage statistics and traditional operations research topics, this text seamlessly threads the topics of data wrangling, descriptive analytics, predictive analytics, and prescriptive analytics into a cohesive whole. It provides a holistic analytics process, including dealing with real life data that are not necessarily ‘clean’ and/or ‘small’ and stresses the importance of effectively communicating findings by including features such as a synopsis (a short writing sample) and a sample report (a longer writing sample) in every chapter. These features help students develop skills in articulating the business value of analytics by communicating insights gained from a non-technical standpoint.

Sanjiv Jaggia is a professor of economics and finance at California Polytechnic State University in San Luis Obispo. Dr. Jaggia holds a Ph.D. from Indiana University and is a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA®). He enjoys research in statistics and econometrics applied to a wide range of business disciplines. Dr. Jaggia has published several papers in leading academic journals and has co-authored two successful textbooks in business statistics. His ability to communicate in the classroom has been acknowledged by several teaching awards. Dr. Jaggia resides in San Luis Obispo with his wife and daughter. In his spare time, he enjoys cooking, hiking, and listening to a wide range of music.

Alison Kelly is a professor of economics at Suffolk University in Boston. Dr. Kelly holds a Ph.D. from Boston College and is a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA®). Dr. Kelly has published in a wide variety of academic journals and has co-authored two successful textbooks in business statistics. Her courses in applied statistics and econometrics are well received by students as well as working professionals. Dr. Kelly resides in Hamilton, Massachusetts, with her husband, daughter, and son. In her spare time, she enjoys exercising and gardening.

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