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Elementary Statistics Using Excel (6th Edition) – eBook

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eBook details

  • Author: Mario F. Triola
  • File Size: 124 MB
  • Format: PDF
  • Length: 864 pages
  • Publisher: Pearson; 6th edition
  • Publication Date: January 9, 2017
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0134506626, 0536740224, 0134507533, 0558657273
  • ISBN-13: 9780134506623, 9780536740229, 9780134507538, 9780558657277


Elementary Statistics Using Excel (6th Edition) – eBook PDF:


Mario F. Triola

Dr. Mario F. Triola is a Professor Emeritus of Mathematics at Dutchess Community College, where he has taught statistics for over three decades. Mario is the author of many statistics textbooks used throughout the US and the world, for e.g. Elementary Statistics 5th edition, Essentials of Statistics 5th Edition, Elementary Statistics Using the TI-83/84 Plus Calculator 4th Edition, Elementary Statistics Using Excel 6th Edition, and he is also a co-author of Statistical Reasoning for Everyday Life 5th Edition, Biostatistics for the Biological and Health Sciences 2nd Edition, and Business Statistics.

Mario designed the original Statdisk statistical software and has written several workbooks and manuals for technology supporting statistics education. He has been a speaker at many conferences. Dr. Triola’s consulting work includes the design of casino slot machines. He has worked with attorneys in determining probabilities in paternity lawsuits, identifying salary inequities based on gender, analyzing data in medical malpractice lawsuits, and analyzing disputed election results. He has also used statistical methods in analyzing medical school surveys, and analyzing survey results for the New York City Transit Authority. He has testified as an expert witness in New York State Supreme Court. The Text and Academic Authors Association has awarded Mario a “Texty” for Excellence for his work on Elementary Statistics.

Elementary Statistics Using Excel (6th Edition) – eBook

Real data brings statistics to life

From clinical trials and opinion polls to self-driving cars, statistics influences and molds the world around us. Best-selling author Marty Triola is devoted to keeping Elementary Statistics Using Excel, 6th edition, (PDF) relentlessly current–with an unparalleled amount of up-to-the-minute real data–so that readers of all backgrounds comprehend the role of statistics in the world around them. In addition to a plethora of new data sets, exercises, and examples, the 6th Edition is designed to be even more flexible, alongside learning objectives as an organizational tool, larger data sets, and new topics in line with advancements in statistics. Moreover, students will find more support in an all-new series of videos, more opportunities for practice, and enhanced support for statistical software.

Elementary Statistics is part of a series that also includes an Essentials version together with technology-specific textbooks, Elementary Statistics Using the TI 83/84 Plus Calculator and Elementary Statistics Using Excel. Data sets and other resources for this series are available on the publishers website (not included on our site).

NOTE: The product includes the ebook, Elementary Statistics Using Excel, 6th edition in PDF. No access codes are included.


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